If people can only know one aspect of a personality that's tough to judge even in real life then I'll appreciate the attempt to connect.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Any Sarcastic Comment About Being In the "Windy City"

Gets a Punch to the Junk. That's a guarantee.

At least that's what I told my roomie if her house guest over the weekend ever uttered the phrase, "Windy City" in any context. Lucky for him I'm too polite and refrain from such unladylike behavior.

Even though I haven't been going out as much, I've definitely made it count the past month when I do decide to grace the local clubs and pubs and it's led to many things. Some good, some bad. Here's a list:

+ Positive +

1) Going out on the town with roomie and friend led to numerous numbers, many a flirting (I think I might be back; yes, yes I am so back! Fair warning now.) Even though I crashed into bed at 6:30 a.m. the next morning, it was with a smile on my face.

2) Seeing old friends from my days as a radio DJ and Music Director at WBGU. They drove into town to perform at the diviest of dives, The Mutiny. (Seriously, tho, Mutiny-guys, would it kill you to patch the holes in the side of the wall? I could feel the outdoors and then some.) I met friends of friends, caught up on everyone's exciting adventures over the past five years, and ran into other pals. I was exhausted from the night before, but was able to shake it off in time for a mug of beer as big as my head and sniggering at all of the blown-out/wasted broads stumbling into the pool table every time they walked by it (Twelve times!).

3) Holding out long enough for an apology from the aforementioned psychotic former friend/drama six months ago. At a birthday party at Darkroom she meekly found me at a table and blurted out half-a-dozen "I'm so sorry" exclamations and followed it with a hug or three. We'll never be close, but at least the air has been cleared and I can get back to hanging out with all of the friends I've been avoiding these past six months.

4) Still being thought of as a great friend by my ex. Enough to get invited to an intimate dinner for all of his friends and enough to hang out with him, in peace, and go crazy with his new bday present: a Wii. Too fun.

- Negatives -

1) Being cock-blocked the entire night by a fellow and his pal who followed me and my friends to a bar. Gentlemen, if you get all glommy, it only makes me resent you. Even IF you keep both of my hands occupied...with beer.

2) Having the ex's best friend in town is usually a blast, but this time it meant he felt enough time had passed and he could stake his claim on me. VERY awkward and it ruined the entire weekend which ended in him creating much Sturm und drang. Now, what was a wonderful friendship is hanging by a sheepish and apologetic thread.

3) After being so diligent about my eating and workout habits, the partying worked my energy to the ground and my sleep routine into pathetic territory. Which meant I had to work even harder in the following weeks to make up for all of the momentum I had going. It's good to know that I can do it, but I definitely prefer a more sleep, less party lifestyle these days...

4) Spending more $$ than I wanted. This month's "Ladies Night," which is in honor of my birthday and a couple of other friends in the circle, should be a celebration and a reason to splurge a bit, but I can't, so I won't, and it's a bummer.